DeltaChase was formed in 2017 by David W. Smith, MD, CEO, and Neil M. Kosterman, President, as a wholly owned subsidiary of TBI Innovations LLC.
Notably, TBI Innovations LLC & David Smith MD developed the first and only medical device approved by the FDA to mitigate Traumatic Brain Injuries. The inventor, Dr. Smith, discovered two previously unknown physiologies from studying how Nature’s creatures seem impervious to TBI. He proceeded to embed these concepts first in QCollar.com, currently rising in prominence in the NFL and other professional sports league teams.
Our current project employs a specialty mask for rebreathing exhaled CO2, which data has shown enhances brain protection and better manages the likes of Sleep Apnea and Altitude Illness. This so-called SAGE Rebreather™ represents a platform technology with over a dozen additional health treatments.

TBI Innovations LLC was formed in 2010 by David W. Smith, MD, CEO, and Neil M. Kosterman, President, to further research between David Smith MD and Julian Bailes MD, currently Chief of Neurosurgery at NorthShore University Health System University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.
Notably, TBI Innovations LLC & David Smith MD developed the first and only medical device approved by the FDA to mitigate Traumatic Brain Injuries. The inventor, Dr. Smith, discovered two previously unknown physiologies from studying how Nature’s creatures seem impervious to TBI. He proceeded to embed these concepts first in QCollar.com, currently rising in prominence in the NFL and other professional sports league teams.
Our current project employs a specialty mask for rebreathing exhaled CO2, which data has shown enhances brain protection and better manages the likes of Sleep Apnea and Altitude Illness. This so-called SAGE Rebreather™ represents a platform technology with over a dozen additional health treatments.