Patents by Inventor David W. Smith, MD
David W. Smith has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes pending patent applications and patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Patent number: 20220151637
Abstract: A system includes a first device, a second device, and a garment. The garment has an elastic region that is configured to receive the first and second devices so that, when the garment is worn by a subject, the first and second devices are positioned at a respective one of a pair of neck veins of the subject. The first and second devices and/or the elastic region apply a compressive pressure to the pair of neck veins while the garment is worn.
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 23, 2021
Publication Date: April 13, 2021
Inventors: David W. Smith (West Chester, OH), Kevin John Vititoe (Westerville, OH), Jamison Joseph Float (Galloway, OH), Chad Michael Leeder (New Albany, OH)
Application Number: 17/560,692
Publication number: 20200187957
Abstract: A method and device for reducing the damaging effects of radiant energy, blast, or concussive events include applying pressure to at least one jugular vein to reduce the egress of blood from the cranial cavity during or before the incidence of the imparting event. Reducing blood outflow from the cranial cavity increases the cerebrospinal fluid’s intracranial volume and/or pressure to reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury and injuries to the spinal column. Reducing blood outflow further increases the intracranial pressure and volume, and thereby increases the pressure and volume of the cochlear fluid, the vitreous humor, and the cerebrospinal fluid to thereby reduce the risk of injury to the inner ear, the internal structure of the eye, and of the spinal column. In addition, increasing intracranial pressure and volume reduces the likelihood of brain injury and any associated loss of olfactory function.
Type: Application
Filed: November 13, 2019
Publication Date: April 13, 2021
Inventors: David W. Smith (West Chester, OH), Kevin John Vititoe (Westerville, OH), Jamison Joseph Float (Galloway, OH), Chad Michael Leeder (New Albany, OH)
Application Number: 16/682,050
Patent Number: 10499928B2
Abstract: A method and device for reducing the damaging effects of radiant energy, blast, or concussive events include applying pressure to at least one jugular vein to reduce the egress of blood from the cranial cavity during or before the incidence of the imparting event. Reducing blood outflow from the cranial cavity increases intracranial volume and/or pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid to reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury and injuries to the spinal column. Reducing blood outflow further increases the intracranial pressure and volume, thereby increasing the pressure and volume of the cochlear fluid, the vitreous humor, and the cerebrospinal fluid to reduce the risk of injury to the inner ear, the internal structure of the eye, and of the spinal column. In addition, increasing intracranial pressure and volume reduces the likelihood of brain injury and any associated loss of olfactory function.
Type: Application
Filed: November 10, 2014
Publication Date: April 13, 2021
Inventors: David W. Smith (West Chester, OH), Kevin John Vititoe (Westerville, OH), Jamison Joseph Float (Galloway, OH), Chad Michael Leeder (New Albany, OH)
Application Number: 14/537,781
Patent number: US10413303B2
Abstract: A method and device for reducing the damaging effects of radiant energy, blast, or concussive events include applying pressure to at least one jugular vein to reduce the egress of blood from the cranial cavity during or before the incidence of the imparting event. Reducing blood outflow from the cranial cavity increases the cerebrospinal fluid’s intracranial volume and/or pressure to reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury and injuries to the spinal column. Reducing blood outflow further increases the intracranial pressure and volume, thereby increasing the pressure and volume of the cochlear fluid, the vitreous humor, and the cerebrospinal fluid to reduce the risk of injury to the inner ear, the internal structure of the eye, and of the spinal column. In addition, increasing intracranial pressure and volume reduces the likelihood of brain injury and any associated loss of olfactory function.
Type: Patent
Filed: September 23, 2021
Application Number: 14/863,329
Publication Date: September 17, 2019
Inventors: David W. Smith (West Chester, OH), Kevin John Vititoe (Westerville, OH), Jamison Joseph Float (Galloway, OH), Chad Michael Leeder (New Albany, OH); Joseph A.Fisher Thornhill (CA)
Device to reduce SLOSH energy absorption and its damaging effects through the reduction of the flow of one or more outflow vessels of the cranium
Patent number: 10342550
Abstract: A first embodiment can be a device comprising a means to reduce SLOSH energy absorption in a fluid-containing organism by reducing the flow of one or more outflow vessels of the cranium by compressing said vessels.
Type: Patent
Application Number: 17/560,692
Filed: Sep, 22, 2015
Publication Date: April 13, 2021
Inventors: David W.Smith, Richmond, IN (US); Joseph A.Fisher, Thornhill(CA
Method to reduce SLOSH energy absorption and its damaging effects through the reduction of inelastic collisions in an organism
Patent number: 9987020 B2
Abstract: A first embodiment can be a method to reduce SLOSH energy absorption within an organism by reducing the inelastic collisions. A fluid-containing organism can utilize an embodiment of the method wherein one or more of reversibly increasing pressure within the organs or cells, reversibly increasing the volume within the organs or cells, reversibly altering vascular, molecular, or cell wall stiffness, or reversibly altering vascular, molecular, or cell wall configuration within a said organism may reduce these collisions.
Type: Patent
Filed: Feb. 12, 2015
Publication Date: April 13, 2021
Inventor: David W. Smith
Application Number: 14/620369
Methods and Devices to Reduce the Likelihood of Injury from Concussive or Blast Forces
Patent number: 20160157870
Abstract: A method and device for reducing the damaging effects of radiant energy, blast, or concussive events include applying pressure to at least one jugular vein to reduce the egress of blood from the cranial cavity during or before the incidence of the imparting event. Reducing blood outflow from the cranial cavity increases intracranial volume and/or pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid to reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury and injuries to the spinal column. Reducing blood outflow further increases the intracranial pressure and volume, and thereby increases the pressure and volume of the cochlear fluid, the vitreous humor, and the cerebrospinal fluid to thereby reduce the risk of injury to the inner ear, the internal structure of the eye, and of the spinal column. In addition, increasing intracranial pressure and volume reduces the likelihood of brain injury and any associated loss of olfactory function.
Type: Publication
Filed: Sep. 23, 2015
Publication Date: Jun. 9, 2016
Inventor: DavidW.Smith, Richmond, IN(US); KevinJohnVititoe, Westerville, OH (US); Jamison Joseph Float, Galloway, OH(US); Chad Michael Leeder, New Albany, OH (US); Joseph A.Fisher, Thornhill,CA(US)
Application Number: 14/863,329
Devices and Systems to Mitigate Traumatic Brain and Other Injuries Caused by Concussive or Blast Forces
Patent number: US20160317160A1
A system for reducing the damaging effects of radiant energy, blast, or concussive events includes applying pressure to at least one jugular vein to reduce the egress of blood from the cranial cavity during or before the incidence of the imparting event. Reducing blood outflow from the cranial cavity increases intracranial volume and/or pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid to reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury and injuries to the spinal column. Reducing blood outflow further increases the intracranial pressure and volume, and thereby increases the pressure and volume of the cochlear fluid, the vitreous humor, and the cerebrospinal fluid to thereby reduce the risk of injury to the inner ear, internal structure of the eye and of the spinal column. In addition, increasing intracranial pressure and volume reduces the likelihood of brain injury and any associated loss of olfactory function.
Type: Publication
Filed: May. 11, 2016
Publication Date: Nov. 3, 2016
Inventors: David W. Smith (West Chester, OH), Kevin John Vititoe (Westerville, OH), Jamison Joseph Float (Galloway, OH), Chad Michael Leeder (New Albany, OH); Joseph A.Fisher, Thornhill(CA); John Stites,Salisaw, OK (US)
Application Number: 15/151,948
Device to Reduce SLOSH Energy Absorption and its Damaging Effects Through the Reduction of the Flow of One or More Outflow Vessels of the Cranium
Patent number:20160008004
Abstract: A first embodiment can be a device comprising a means to reduce SLOSH energy absorption in a fluid containing organism by reducing the flow of one or more outflow vessels of the cranium by compressing said vessels.
Type: Publication
Filed: Sep. 22, 2015
Publication Date: Jan 14, 2016
Inventors: David W. Smith (West Chester, OH); Joseph A.Fisher, Thornhill(CA)
Application Number: 14/861,582
Method to Reduce SLOSH Energy Absorption and its Damaging Effects Through the Reduction of Inelastic Collisions in an Organism
Publication number: 20150150564 A1
Abstract: A first embodiment can be a method to reduce SLOSH energy absorption within an organism by reducing inelastic collisions. A fluid-containing organism can utilize an embodiment of the method wherein one or more of reversibly increasing pressure within the organs or cells, reversibly increasing the volume within the organs or cells, reversibly altering vascular, molecular, or cell wall stiffness, or reversibly altering vascular, molecular, or cell wall configuration within a said organism may reduce these collisions.
Type: Application Publication
Filed: Feb. 12, 2015
Publication Date: Jun. 4, 2015
Inventors: David W. Smith (West Chester, OH)
Application Number: 17/560,692<
Publication number: 2015/0133992A1
Abstract: A method and device for reducing the damaging effects of radiant energy, blast, or concussive events includes applying pressure to at least one jugular vein to reduce the egress of blood from the cranial cavity during or before the incidence of the imparting event. Reducing blood outflow from the cranial cavity increases intracranial volume and/or pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid to reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury and injuries to the spinal column. Reducing blood outflow further increases the intracranial pressure and volume, and thereby increases the pressure and volume of the cochlear fluid, the vitreous humor and the cerebrospinal fluid, thereby to reduce the risk of injury to the inner ear, internal structure of the eye and of the spinal column. In addition, increasing intracranial pressure and volume reduces the likelihood of brain injury and any associated loss of olfactory function.
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 23, 2021
Application Publication Date: May 14, 2015
Inventors: David W. Smith (West Chester, OH), Kevin John Vititoe (Westerville, OH), Jamison Joseph Float (Galloway, OH), Chad Michael Leeder (New Albany, OH)
Application Number: 14/*537,781
Patent number: 8900169 B2
Abstract: A method and device for reducing the damaging effects of radiant energy, blast, or concussive events include applying pressure to at least one jugular vein to reduce the egress of blood from the cranial cavity during or before the incidence of the imparting event. Reducing blood outflow from the cranial cavity increases intracranial volume and/or pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid to reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury and injuries to the spinal column. Reducing blood outflow further increases the intracranial pressure and volume, and thereby increases the pressure and volume of the cochlear fluid, the vitreous humor, and the cerebrospinal fluid, thereby to reduce the risk of injury to the inner ear, the internal structure of the eye, and of the spinal column. In addition, increasing intracranial pressure and volume reduces the likelihood of brain injury and any associated loss of olfactory function.
Type: Patent
Filed: March 15, 2013
Inventors: David W. Smith (West Chester, OH), Kevin John Vititoe (Westerville, OH), Jamison Joseph Float (Galloway, OH), Chad Michael Leeder (New Albany, OH)
Application Number: 13/841,195
Publication number: 20140343599 A1
Abstract: A system for reducing the damaging effects of radiant energy, blast, or concussive events includes applying pressure to at least one jugular vein to reduce the egress of blood from the cranial cavity during or before the incidence of the imparting event. Reducing blood outflow from the cranial cavity increases intracranial volume and/or pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid to reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury and injuries to the spinal column. Reducing blood outflow further increases the intracranial pressure and volume, and thereby increases the pressure and volume of the cochlear fluid, the vitreous humor, and the cerebrospinal fluid to thereby reduce the risk of injury to the inner ear, the internal structure of the eye, and of the spinal column. In addition, increasing intracranial pressure and volume reduces the likelihood of brain injury and any associated loss of olfactory function.
Type: Application Publication
Filed: Dec 23, 2021
Publication Date: November 20, 2014
Inventors: DavidW.Smith, Richmond,IN(US); KevinJohnVititoe,Westerville, OH (US); JamisonJosephFloat,Galloway, OH(US);Chad Michael Leeder,New Albany,OH (US); Joseph A.Fisher, Thornhill(CA);John Stites, Salisaw, OK(US)
Application Number: 14/317,282
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